Stop Working So Hard
Stop working so hard! Here’s how I did it.
I come from corporate. Everything was a fire, I was a great firefighter. The difference is, real firefighters, usually have time between fires. Glen is an artist - hopelessly so - always has been, always will be.
Glen continues to exist in ways that I do not understand, but I am getting better at mimicking.
It all started with something he called “State Mandated Relaxation,” and as a self-proclaimed multitasking pro, I found this concept ludacris.
What do you mean do nothing? I can totally check my emails while we watch TV.
I can read a self-help book while eating breakfast.
I can…
The goal of State Mandated Relaxation is to do something “useless” without guilt. Everything else can wait, The earth will not come crashing down, everything will survive even if you do nothing. I know it’s hard to believe, it’s even harder to practice. But it’s worth it.
Why? Because you are more valuable than what you can produce.
Find something "useless" that sounds like fun: video games, board games, reading, creating, a night out under the stars, what do you propose?
Do it for an hour, love yourself for it.
Let us know how it goes.